Τετάρτη 16 Οκτωβρίου 2013

Mehrangarh Fort of Jodhpur, India

Mehrangarh Fort, located in Jodhpur in the state of Rajasthan, is a massive fort located on a hill 400 feet above the city. Its walls are up to 36 meters high and 21 meters wide. Inside these imposing thick walls, there are gardens, courthouses, several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expansive courtyards, elaborate balconies, arched galleries, and heavily ornamented private residences. Looking straight down a perpendicular cliff,...

How to Make a .GIF Animation

Animated Gifs have been around since the dawn of the internet but they have become very popular again especially on media sharing sites like Tumblr or Reddit. Services like Vine and now Instagramhave made it easy to create and share short videos. By creating your own gif you can make something extraordinary that really captures attention and inspires imagination. Want to add something unique to the mix? Make your own animated gif! FIRST...

How to Photoshop Yourself Into a Vampire

As we approach Halloween and get the chance to dress up in our favorite costumes, there are plenty of opportunities for spooky fun — especially if you have Photoshop handy. SEE ALSO: 9 Excellent Apps For Discovering New Things In this quick tutorial we’ll show you how to turn yourself into a vampire with some simple tricks. What you'll need: Find a photo or use your own. Also, grab some creepy cat eyes and blood...

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